Prerequisites for WhatsApp Bots

This page contains the info about all you need to create WhatsApp Bot

In order to create the WhatsApp bot using the WhatsApp cloud API, the following things are required.


Before you start creating the WhatsApp bot, Make sure that you have

  • A phone number that is

    • Active & capable of receiving SMS.

    • Not registered on WhatsApp or WA Business App.

  • Registered legal business

  • An active website with a valid privacy policy

  • A valid payment method (Debit or Credit card) capable of making international payments to Meta for conversation charges.

  • GSTIN Number, Only if the business is registered in India.

If you have all of the above checked, You are good to start with WhatsApp Cloud API Bot.

Please note that a single mobile number can only be utilized on one of the WhatsApp services at a given time, namely WhatsApp, WA Business, or WhatsApp Business API. If you wish to use your existing number, you are required to remove your account from one service before using it on another.

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